
 Jesus’ Way of the Soul 

To Eliminate Religious Conflicts

Robert W. North, Ph.D.


Christianity does not teach the true message of Jesus. His followers, especially Paul the Apostle and later theologians distorted and hid his gospel.

Ask 1000 Christian Religious Studies professors, theologians, and clerics about the nature of Jesus' mission, and you will not get consistent answers. No one knows the nature of Jesus' message—up until now.

In 1945, some Bedouin farmers near the city of Nag Hammadi, Egypt, discovered a large jar containing a 4th Century monastery library. In it was a book that on the first page stated that Jesus was the author and his disciple, Thomas, was Jesus’ scribe. In the margin, a copyist called the book The Gospel of Thomas. It continues to be called that although scholars know that books were unnamed in the 1st Century.

I am the first one to determine the book’s intricate structure, its message, and the proof that Jesus was the author. He did not found a religion. Instead, he articulated a Way” that substituted for religion. His “Way” eliminates religious conflicts such as the horrible ones we see in the Middle East.

You can read how I discovered his revolutionary, shocking “Way” and its nature in my books at www.7771.org. However, I am sure you would rather read a quick overview first, so I present one below.

We can eliminate religious conflicts only if everyone lives Jesus’ gospel. We can also use his “Way” to evolve psychologically. Thus, I ask you to review Jesus’ message below, and if you find merit in it, distribute the overview far and wide.

You may contact us with questions, comments, and offers to help us at:


X (Formerly Twitter): @RobertWNorth1

Thank you for considering Jesus’ solution to end religious conflicts and for telling others.

Robert North

Ex-Jesuit Scripture Scholar and Ph.D. Counselor

The Two Ways to Live 

Robert W North, Ph.D.


Theological or Secular Religion’s

Way of the Mind

Jesus’ Way of the Soul

1            Primarily Use Reason

These people primarily use mental reasoning to decide how to think and act. And secondarily, they use their intuition to listen to their inspiration.



Primarily Use Intuition

These people primarily use soul intuition to “listen” to inspiration to know how to think and act. They secondarily use mental reasoning. (Seven times in Thomas, Jesus repeats: “He who has his [third] ear to listen, let him listen.”)

2                   Blind Beliefs

People blindly believe truths that they do not experience. E.g., they believe in a God and abstract theological, political, and social dogmas that they do not experience.

Experiential Beliefs

These people do not believe in a God or abstract theological, political, and social dogmas that they do not experience.

3      Personal Truth Is Objective

These people hold that truth is 2D, that is, it is the same for everyone, no matter his level of personal development.

Personal Truth Is Subjective

These people observe that personal truth is 3D; As one evolves, one can know higher and fuller truths

4                Firm Believers

These people promote and defend absolute truths.


Tentative Believers

These people challenge their current truths to be inspired to reveal deeper, truer ones. Because they do this forever, they are truth “onion peelers.”

5        Light and Dark Inspiration

These people do not listen to each moment for the light and dark inspiration to evolve or devolve.


Light and Dark Inspiration

These people sense in each moment both the light inspiration to evolve and the dark inspiration to devolve. Then, they choose.

  Indoctrinated with Personal Answers

These people invite authorities (clergy, politicians, parents, peers, the media, authors of scripture, etc.) to indoctrinate them with religious and other social truths (Jesus called indoctrinators “false gods” and “dogs.”).

Self-Discovery of Personal Answers

These people primarily “listen” to light inspiration and secondarily to others to decide what to believe and how to act.

7                   Conformists

These people become dependent conformists.


These people become independent seekers.

8   We were Born Ignorant or in Sin

These people hold that we were all born in need of religion and social norms to be saved (good, moral, holy, and worthy of going to heaven).


We Were Born Soul-Devine

Jesus stated that everyone is born soul divine and does not need to be saved by society or religion. One only needs to continue to be what he is when he is born. Jesus did not preach the concept of “original sin.”

9    Lives Mentally in the Past and Future

These people live mentally in the past and future.


Lives in the Now with Soul-Intuition

These people live in stillness in the moment to be light enlightened to take the next perfect step into deeper fulfillment.

10                False Identity

These people identify with their false selves to be accepted in society.


Real Self

These people remove their false selves by identifying only with their authentic selves, which are the ones they were born with.

11                Unconscious

These people are unaware of their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and how to utilize them to evolve to higher levels of truth, love, and life.


These people know their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and how to utilize them to evolve to higher levels of truth, love, and life.

12    The Universe is Orderly and Disorderly

These people hold that there is simultaneously order, luck, and coincidence.


The Universe is in Perfect Order

These people reveal that what appears to be luck and coincidence is actually perfect order. They use light inspiration to understand the order and to leverage it to higher levels of truth and life.

13    Peace Comes From Conformity and Tolerance

These people hold that world peace will happen when everyone believes and acts as “my” tribes and “I” do or when everyone tolerates the untruths of others.

Peace Comes from Encouraging Individuality

These people hold that world peace will happen when everyone unites by empowering everyone else to discover their own ever higher and fuller truths.

14          Different Kinds of Life

These people believe that some things are inanimate and that there are fundamental differences between plant, animal, human, and divine life.


Everything is Eternally Alive

Jesus sensed that the same divine, eternal life is in everything at various levels of evolution. Thus, he implies that a person continues to evolve or devolve from his current level of love and truth after physical death. Further, one can intuitively communicate with the departed.

15        Continually Threatened

These people identify with their theological and political beliefs, money, reputation, traditions, ethnicity, and possessions; consequently, they can be threatened by losing these treasures.

Continually Secure

These people identify only with people on the Way of the Soul; consequently, they are not core-threatened by the loss of anything.

16          Authorities Define God

These people empower others, such as theologians, clergy, and philosophers, to define God for them


Each Person Defines God

These people continually redefine what God means to them on their own.

17               Worship God

Many people worship God (Allah, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.).


Do Not Worship God

These people do not worship God (Allah, etc.). Instead, they intuitively have back-and-forth communication with God. (Jesus called “God” his Mother and Father—Two persons united).

18   Identifies with Group Doctrine

These people identify with groups espousing the same theological, political, and social ways to think and act.


Identifies With Divine Life

These people identify with only the divine life embodied uniquely in themselves and in every other person.


 19         Socially Dependent

These people know themselves through the eyes of others, who know themselves through the eyes of others, on and on. They are obsessed with social media to know who they are and how to fit in.

Enlightened Independence

These people become independent as they withdraw from people obsessed with how others see them. They, then, use inspiration to define and honor their unique selves.

 20               Unwise Love

These people practice:

1. Naïve Unconditional Love:

The person unconditionally loves others without holding them accountable for their level of respect and love of others.

E.g., out of love, a woman permits her husband to abuse her. Or, an employee, out of love for his family and job, overlooks his boss’s unfairness. Or a person says, “I only focus on the good in people and ignore the bad.”

2. Conditional Love:

For example, one loves others only because they support him.

 Unconditional Accountable-Love

(UAL) [Pronounced YouAll]

These people unconditionally love a unique version of divine living in themselves and in others while at the same time holding themselves and others accountable for not living fully UAL of all.

For example, a parent might say to his child, “You are so wonderful, but you do not show that when you hit your sister. Stop that now.”

E.g., a woman says to her former lover, “I will love you forever. However, because I disagree with your values, I do not want to spend time with you.”

 21                Predictable

These people live following established religious and civil rules, laws, and social expectations. Thus, they are relatively the same every day.


Living UAL is their primary law. Secondly, they follow social laws, rules, and expectations. Thus, they are the ultimate rogue warriors. 

 22            Bored Intimacy

Intimacy declines with sameness.


Deep Intimacy

Because they evolve daily, they become continually more intimately fascinating and admirable.

 23                    Blame

These people blame others and circumstances for their predicament.



These people take responsibly for their emotions and their contribution to problems. To do that, they peel the truth onion of what is going on in order to manage their lives.

 24                Sociopaths

People call others sociopaths, not themselves. They take advantage of others for personal gain. They lack remorse for their actions. They discriminate, persecute and kill based on theological, political, and other social factors, such as race, ethnicity, traditions, sexual orientation, and gender. They call themselves “good” and those not agreeing to their truths “bad.” They justify punishing outsiders as doing the will of God and/or as saving society. They lie, distort, cherry-pick, and omit facts to support their truths.


Jesus regarded everyone to be a sociopath to the degree that he does not possess UAL of himself and others. On a continuum from low to high, one lives self-absorbed and unfulfilled to very fulfilled—from low self-esteem and fear to high levels of personal power and wisdom. To save society, sociohealers confront sociopaths.

26      Committed Relationships

When two people are on the same level of truth, life, and UAL, they more easily bond--thinking that they will be friends (or lovers) forever.


Tentative Relationships

These people bond easily when they live the same level of truth, life, and UAL. Later, one person may evolve, while the other person remains the same or devolves. When they find that they are incompatible, they separate rather than pretend that they are unified. Thus, they do not marry without a contract that enables them to leave the relationship rapidly.

 27            Avoid Rejection

These people avoid rejection.


Embrace Rejection

These people UAL others whether they reject or embrace them. In that way, they continually evolve to become more independent and powerful.

28          Exclusive Nationalists

These people identify with a country and its government.


Inclusive Universe Citizens

These people identify with a universe-wide nation in which people live on the Way of the Soul under one authority: light inspiration.

29           Empower Jealousy

These people empower their jealousy to make them feel inadequate, angry, and vengeful.


Attack Jealousy

These people use jealousy to discover how they are not identifying with their real selves that they were when born. Then, they intuitively reveal their true selves. 

 30   Living on the Way of the Mind

Was Called:

By Jesus: Living in the “World” (a way of being).

The more people lack UAL of all, the more Jesus found them to be: “dark, “dead,” “drunk,” “divided” from their real selves and the real selves of others, spiritually and psychologically “poor,” “dishonest,” and living in the “past and future” in “fear.”


Living on the Way of the Soul 
Was Called: By Jesus:

Living in the “Kingdom” (a way of being) as kings or queens over themselves and their interactions with others.

The more people live UAL of all, the more Jesus found them to be “alive,” “light” in the world, “one” with themselves and with the soul selves of others, “one” with their divine “Mother’ and Father,” spiritually and psychologically “rich,” “honest,” and living in the “beginning” (each moment is the beginning of a new life with less “fear”).



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Send comments, questions and offers to help us to Robert@7771.ORG or post on X (formerly twitter) at @RobertWNorth1

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