New, Major<br> Biblical Archeological Discoveries

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New, Major
Biblical Archeological Discoveries

Robert North, Biblical Scholar, former Jesuit, with a Ph.D. in Counseling, has recently unearthed the lost literary methodology that the ancient Semites used to organize the Bible and their other texts. This find has led to a cascade of other culturally-shaking archeological discoveries.

How significant is this find? It calls into question the theology, sermons, commentaries, and other Biblical-based research of the past 2000 years!

Review: Dr. Barrie Wilson, former Chair of and Senior Scholar in the Department of Religious studies at York University concluded: “Overall, an original, brilliant piece of detective work. One major implication of this discovery is that it places the Synoptic gospel authors in a very different league than has hitherto been thought. Not only are they highly literate, but they are tapped into a Semitic mode of textual composition.”

Site Overview: You will find books and other materials describing this huge Biblical archeological discovery and its shocking implications. Put your cursor on a book to read more and to be taken to the Preface and key chapters.

The Semitic Secret: How Biblical Authors Organized their Books to Include a Dictionary/Commentary and a Method to Disclose Scribal Errors. A Workbook for Bible students and translators.

The Second Coming of Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus: How the Semitic Secret reveals their lost Way to personal and global peace.

Gospel Professional Book

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The Messiah’s Unrealized Revolution

This book presents the sayings of Paul the Apostle and Jesus. You will discover that unlike Paul:

  Jesus was a therapist, not a theologian,

 Jesus was leading people out of religion onto a “Way” for everyone, including Atheists, to achieve personal fulfillment in any situation,

  Jesus would be opposed to all religions today, including Christianity,

  Jesus died because he challenged authorities (clergy, politicians, etc.) who indoctrinated people with their personal answers,

  Jesus taught the ONLY solution to resolve religious conflicts.

  Jesus will fulfill the Messianic prophesies when everyone adopts his "Way" of growing in wise-love of all.

The Second Coming of Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus

Introduction: The name “Eve” designates the unknown author of the Adam and Eve story in the Bible.

Overview: Everyone wants a way to end religious and secular conflicts. Everyone wants a well-defined way to become a Buddha and a Jesus. And everyone wants a clear way to emotional health in any situation.

That Way exists: It has been hidden behind our misunderstanding of the Bible, Buddha’s wisdom poems.

Methodology: Robert North applied the Semitic Secret for the first time to these ancient works to reveal the true meaning of their metaphors, and through them, to the Way we all, including Atheists, seek to achieve personal and global peace.

The Result: This analysis proves that Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus taught the same alternative to theological and secular religion—which they called the “world” of “darkness,” “death,” “division,” and “enslavement.” In contrast, they modeled and preached the “Way” to “light,” “life,” “unity,” and “freedom.”

The Gospel of Thomas

Background: The Gospel of Thomas, a pre-third century book, was discovered buried up the Nile River in Egypt in 1945. The first two sentences state that Jesus was the author and Thomas was his scribe. Up until this publication, no one was able to determine its chapter, paragraph, and stanza breaks. Further, no one found a way to discern the author’s meaning for his key metaphors.

The Main Discovery: When Dr. North applied the Semitic Secret to Thomas, he discovered:

  That it was an intricately arranged book of wisdom poems,

  That when read correctly, the author’s meaning for his metaphors and poems became clear,

  That the author was teaching an alternative to indoctrinating religious, educational, and political institutions,

  That the author called indoctrinators “dark,” “dogs,” “dividers,” and “false gods,”

  That the author intended to empower people to discover their own answers with the help of Spirit, and

  That the author was teaching the ONLY Way to resolve religious and most other conflicts.


  The author almost certainly was murdered (as he might be today for such a message).

  The author needed to compose a book that would explain his revolutionary message after he died.

  The author would have given a copy of his book to trusted associates in case he died.

  The author would protect those with the book by not associating it with his name and by telling them to take it to a safe haven, such as Egypt after he was murdered.

Conclusion: Jesus composed The Gospel of Thomas, which is the only accurate record of his Messianic, unification message.

The Messiah’s Unrealized Revolution

This book presents the sayings of Paul the Apostle and Jesus. You will discover that unlike Paul:

  Jesus was a therapist, not a theologian,

 Jesus was leading people out of religion onto a “Way” for everyone, including Atheists, to achieve personal fulfillment in any situation,

  Jesus would be opposed to all religions today, including Christianity,

  Jesus died because he challenged authorities (clergy, politicians, etc.) who indoctrinated people with their personal answers,

  Jesus taught the ONLY solution to resolve religious conflicts.

  Jesus will fulfill the Messianic prophesies when everyone adopts his "Way" of growing in wise-love of all.

  • The Apocalypse and the Messiah

    Darkness covers the world today. There is so much suffering in Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, and in almost every unseen corner. We all want to contribute to a solution to these endless conflicts without choosing one darkness over another.

    In this book, Dr. Robert North, Ex-Jesuit, Counselor, and Religious Scholar, proves that Jesus was the Messiah who saw our exact situation and the only solution. But his revolutionary ideas were attacked, misinterpreted, and hidden. Today, few, if anyone, teaches them!

    Jesus stated that the leading cause of religiously and politically based conflicts is the personal promotion and defense of dogmas.

    When people identify with their supposedly good and true dogmas about things such as religion, nationhood, race, sexual identity, gender, politics, and ethnicity, they often think that they are good and others who differ are bad. Then, many of these people believe that it is their righteous duty to eliminate bad people and their untrue, bad dogmas to save themselves and the world. Of course, those attacked defend themselves and their good and true dogmas. Some others try to be “tolerant” of differences, but that is like trying to accept and live with “bad.” It never brings lasting peace.

    Dr. North quotes Jesus to show that he taught a substitute for dogma-based religion and politics—for everyone, including Atheists. North also explains how Jesus’ insights were misinterpreted and hidden for 2000 years by theologians, philosophers, and other scholars.

  • The Second Coming of Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus

    Introduction: The name “Eve” designates the unknown author of the Adam and Eve story in the Bible.

    Overview: Everyone wants a way to end religious and secular conflicts. Everyone wants a well-defined way to become a Buddha and a Jesus. And everyone wants a clear way to emotional health in any situation.

    That Way exists: It has been hidden behind our misunderstanding of the Bible, Buddha's early wisdom poems, and the Gospel of Thomas.

    Methodology: Robert North applied the Semitic Secret for the first time to these ancient works to reveal the true meaning of their metaphors, and through them, to the Way we all, including Atheists, seek to achieve personal and global peace.

    The Result: This analysis proves that Eve, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus taught the same alternative to theological and secular religion—which they called the “world” of “darkness,” “death,” “division,” and “enslavement.” In contrast, they modeled and preached the “Way” to “light,” “life,” “unity,” and “freedom.”

  • The Semitic Secret

    Overview: In this book, Dr. Robert North reveals that Biblical and other Semitic authors composed their Works according to “Semitic Parallelism”—a highly sophisticated, ancient literary methodology that ceased to be used in about the 2nd Century CE.

    A Workbook: In it, you will practice using Semitic Parallelism:

      To organize and interpret the Bible and the Gospel of Thomas in ways not done in 2000 years.

      To discern an authors’ chapter, verse, and other section breaks, which differ completely from those in our current Bibles.

      To disclose the author’s internal dictionary and commentary.

      To read parts of the Bible and other Semitic Works as allegories and not as history.

      To determine where copyists have deleted and inserted text. As a result, we can largely reconstruct the original document, which is the dream-goal of Biblical translators.

    Summary: You will become an expert who will be able to question most of the Biblical historical, theological, and commentary conclusions of the past 2000 years!

    Review: Dr. Barrie Wilson, former Chair of and Senior Scholar in the Department of Religious studies at York University concluded: “Overall, an original, brilliant piece of detective work. One major implication of this discovery is that it places the Synoptic gospel authors in a very different league than has hitherto been thought. Not only are they highly literate, but they are tapped into a Semitic mode of textual composition.”

  • The Literal Gospel of Thomas

    Background: In 1945, a farmer in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, dug up a large jar buried in the Fourth Century. It contained many ancient texts. Among them was one in which the first page indicated that the Book was composed by Jesus. The second page stated that the scribe was Judas Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples. In a margin, a later copyist called the Book “The Gospel of Thomas.” Today it is known by that name, although most scholars believe it was initially unnamed.

    Book Content:

      Thomas consists of twenty-one chapters arranged in an arch, as you see to the left. Within each chapter, the author arranged wisdom poems in either an arch or in parallel columns. Further, he organized the stanzas in each poem in an arch or parallel columns.

      Scholars agree that Jesus composed over half of the poems.

      In an Appendix, Dr. North argues that Jesus is the author of Thomas because only a single person—one who deeply understood the meanings of the 131 poems—could have composed the Book with many interdependent levels of organization.

      For the first time, Dr. Robert North translated Thomas “literally” “according to its organization” to show the meaning of each chapter, poem, and metaphor.

      Also, Dr. North presents Jesus lost, revolutionary “Way” out of religious conflict and into personal and global peace.

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